Active Listening Skills: How to Listen and Communicate Effectively

cengkuru michael
3 min readFeb 17, 2022


Photo Credit to: @kris_ricepees

Do you ever feel like people aren’t listening to you? It can be frustrating when you’re trying to communicate with someone, and it feels like your words are falling on deaf ears. Active listening is a communication skill that can help resolve conflicts and improve relationships. This blog post will discuss active listening, the four basic steps to active listening, and how to use body language and facial expressions to show that you’re actively listening. We’ll also provide tips for staying focused when talking to you and dealing with distractions. Finally, we’ll discuss how active listening can help you resolve conflicts peacefully.

What is active listening?

Active listening is a communication skill that involves paying close attention to what someone is saying and responding to show that you are listening. It’s important to remember that active listening is not just about hearing the words someone is saying; it’s also about understanding the message they are trying to communicate. To be active listeners, we must listen to and understand what others are saying.

Four basic steps for active listening:

  • Tune in to the speaker’s body language, tone of voice, words, and other nonverbal cues. These clues can help you understand what they’re trying to say, even if it isn’t said out loud.
  • Try to understand what the speaker’s message means from their perspective by asking questions or clarifying points that seem unclear. Active listening involves active participation in the conversation, not just sitting there while someone talks at you! It is important to note that active listening doesn’t mean being a “yes man.” It would help if you always were honest with others but do so in a way that doesn’t shut them down.
  • Respond to the speaker in a way that shows you are paying attention and that you understand what they’re saying. This could involve repeating back what the speaker has said, paraphrasing, or asking questions.
  • Stay engaged in the conversation until it is finished. Active listening is about active participation, not just sitting there while someone talks at you!

How to use body language and facial expressions to show that you’re actively listening.

Body language plays a vital role in active listening. For example, active listeners must make eye contact with the speaker and maintain a comfortable seating position to not distract from the conversation. In addition, active listeners should use facial expressions to show that they are paying attention and understand what the speaker is saying. For example, you can nod your head or display “uh-huh” to indicate that you are following along.

Tips for staying focused when someone is talking to you:

Active listening can be difficult if you have trouble focusing on what the speaker is saying. To keep active listeners, active listeners need to practice staying focused while listening to understand what others are trying to communicate with them.

How active listening can help you resolve conflicts peacefully:

Active listening is an excellent tool for resolving disputes in relationships. Active listening skills allow active listeners to understand what others are trying to communicate with them and respond appropriately, which can help defuse situations that might otherwise escalate into arguments.

Active listening can also help active listeners better understand their feelings and the feelings of others, which can be helpful when trying to resolve conflicts.

I hope this blog post has helped you learn more about active listening and how it can benefit your relationships with others. Thanks for reading!



cengkuru michael

I turn data into meaningful stories by analyzing and visualizing information to create a cohesive narrative. Love helping others see the world in a new light.