You’ve Installed MySQL Community Edition on macOS — Now What?

cengkuru michael
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2023


Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

Welcome to the club! You’ve just installed MySQL Community Edition on your macOS. A sense of accomplishment is in the air, but you’re probably wondering, what next? Let’s break it down, shall we? We’ll focus on three crucial steps: Verifying Installation, Mastering Basic Operations, and Troubleshooting.

1️⃣ Verifying Your Installation: Your First Rite of Passage 🎟️

Imagine you’ve just built your first LEGO castle. Now, it’s time to make sure all the pieces fit. Pop open your Terminal and type:

mysql --version

Did it work?

  • Yes? High-five, you’re all set!
  • No? Don’t sweat it. We’ll fix it in the troubleshooting section.

Remember, verifying your installation is non-negotiable. It sets the stage for all the awesome database magic you’re about to perform.

2️⃣ Mastering Basic Operations: Your Training Wheels 🚴‍♀️

First things first, let’s start the MySQL service. Think of it like turning on your car engine:

sudo mysql.server start

Now that the engine’s running, let’s take it for a spin. Connect to your MySQL server like this:

mysql -u root -p

You’re now in the driving seat of your own database world! Play around with these basic SQL commands:

List Databases: An inventory check.


Create Database: Crafting your own universe.


Use Database: Stepping into your universe.

USE my_heaven;

The key takeaway here is that mastering these basics is like learning to crawl before you walk. Trust me, it pays off.

3️⃣ Troubleshooting: The Lifeline You Didn’t Know You Needed 🛠️

Did you hit a wall with a “Command Not Found” error? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Here’s your lifeline:

  1. Find MySQL’s Home: Locate the installation directory.
  2. Update PATH: Add the directory to your .zshrc:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Refresh: Reload your shell.

source ~/.zshrc

Remember, troubleshooting is your best friend. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife in your back pocket.

📣 Call to Action: Your Journey Awaits 🚀

To sum it up, you’ve learned how to:

  1. Verify your MySQL Installation — your gateway to the database realm.
  2. Master Basic Operations — the ABCs of your MySQL journey.
  3. Troubleshoot Like a Pro — your safety net when things go sideways.

So what are you waiting for? Dive in and start querying away! Your database kingdom awaits its ruler.

Keep these points close to your heart; you’ll find them invaluable.



I turn data into meaningful stories by analyzing and visualizing information to create a cohesive narrative. Love helping others see the world in a new light.